Marble And Granite
A short film directed by Bill Hetherington featuring music by the artists “Wreck- It Ralph” and “Molly’s Nightmare.” The film and its artwork has been widely circulated online since 2003 while the “Molly’s Nightmare” soundtrack has received much attention.
It is known, however, that the Molly’s Nightmare soundtrack was made by David Wurzel, the original singer, and composer who included Stevie Nicks’ song “You Think I Love You?” when she was recording the opening track for the original album. After the two collaborated, the song was remastered as a full-length album, which would include the same track listing but with a new and completely different instrumentation.
The Molly’s Nightmare album was released on February 3 1998, and the album, titled “The Molly’s Nightmare,” reached critical and commercial success for the first time. (The Molly’s Nightmare and The Mummy: A Musical Companion was released in Japan on February 9 1997. The soundtrack was subsequently named part of the Japanese Academy of Dramatic Arts Hall of Fame and also inducted onto the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame of Music Hall of Fame.) Marble And Granite
Synopsis Edit
The Mummy: A Musical Companion is the final single from the Mummy series of miniatures released in 1997 with the theme.
The Mummy: A Musical Companion appears in the Mummy: The Musical Companion in-game
Marble And Granite”
A short film directed by Bill Hetherington featuring music by the artists “Wreck- It Ralph” and “Molly’s Nightmare.” The film and its artwork has been widely circulated online since 2003 while the “Molly’s Nightmare” soundtrack has received much attention.
It is known, however, that the Molly’s Nightmare soundtrack was made by David Wurzel, the original singer, and composer who included Stevie Nicks’ song “You Think I Love You?” when she was recording the opening track for the original album. After the two collaborated, the song was remastered as a full-length album, which would include the same track listing but with a new and completely different instrumentation.
The Molly’s Nightmare album was released on February 3 1998, and the album, titled “The Molly’s Nightmare,” reached critical and commercial success for the first time. (The Molly’s Nightmare and The Mummy: A Musical Companion was released in Japan on February 9 1997. The soundtrack was subsequently named part of the Japanese Academy of Dramatic Arts Hall of Fame and also inducted onto the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame of Music Hall of Fame.)
Synopsis Edit
The Mummy: A Musical Companion is the final single from the Mummy series of miniatures released in 1997 with the theme.
The Mummy: A Musical Companion appears in the Mummy: The Musical Companion in-game